Monday, August 15, 2011

The Living Christ

Our ward has given us a challenge to memorize The Living Christ in our families. Josh and I have started to read it little by little with Mason every night before our family Book of Mormon study. We seriously doubted that with the way Mason wiggles around during our scripture study that he would really get anything out of memorizing The Living Christ, but we have kept it going. When he will actually cooperate we are very surprised at how much he can repeat with us.

It is so amazing to me how he is now using some of those words from The Living Christ during other parts of our day. For example, he has begun to thank Heavenly Father for our "testimonies" during our prayers.
I now, more than ever before, have such a testimony of teaching our children what they need to know at a young age. Even three years old is not too young. They soak up more than we ever know and I am so grateful for all of the wonderful materials we have at our fingertips to teach our young children the gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope and pray every day that he will gain his own testimony which will help him to make right choices throughout his life.

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