Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our "Little Man" is on His Way!

He is so full of movement, sometimes I wonder if he has a jump rope in there with him!

We've had so many question us about what the nursery is going to look like that we thought we'd post a few pictures to provide a sneak peek! Thanks to "little man's" grandparents he is going to be sleeping "like a baby" (we actually hope he sleeps better than a baby). We are so thankful for all the help we've been given in preparing for our new baby boy. We had no idea how expensive it could be. Thank you so much!!!

What a cool contraption this is! The pack and play/bassinet is what we will use for the first little while in our bedroom. The bassinet has rocking capability and there is even a music player/vibrator/night light. The changing table will for sure be a convenient little addition! The best part is that we won't have to put it away after we begin using the crib because it easily converts into a pack and play! Okay, so I'm not trying to sell you this product, but we are super excited about all the capabilities. Baby stuff is so fun!

Josh and I went shopping everywhere for just the right crib. I didn't expect that Josh would have an opinion on the matter, but he was very particular. After we purchased the crib and brought it home there wasn't time to get it set up right away so while he was at work the next day I decided to carry it piece by piece up to the room designated to be the "nursery". When Josh got home he was just glad I didn't put it together as that was "his project". He did a great job putting it together and enjoyed every second!

We hope to be able to use this crib forever! It turns into a toddler bed and then a full size head and foot board. It's hard to tell in the picture, but the rails are rounded and we thought that would be a little safer than the squared edges found on most cribs.

A year or so ago I saw a few things that sold me to decorating with trains if I ever had a little boy. I wasn't sure I was going to stick with the idea until Laurie helped us find the bedding. Josh and I have had a really hard time deciding, but we finally found something we both like and it just happened to be trains! I was excited because I knew exactly what I wanted to do with the wall. When I was in New Mexico last year Shari and I were looking through a magazine and I saw a wall in a kids room with a track painted all the way around with popsicle sticks as the train tracks. Shari and Robyn helped us to relocate that image so that we could make it happen. If you only knew how long it took Josh and I to figure out how to accomplish this seemingly simple task!

We are almost ready to rock and roll, but there are still a few things we need to do before this nursery will be complete!


shelbell said...

Yeah! Good job, blogger! I love the popsickle sticks...ingenious! And you seriously are so tiny! You look more like 5 months right now! I can't wait to meet the little jumper.

I've got you on my list now, so I'll be checking back to see what's next:)

Love ya!

Lyndee said...

There is so much cool baby stuff. I kept wanting to buy the color video baby monitor but Lyndee would never let me:(

shelbell said...

Uh, I don't get it, am I not cool enough to be a "blog friend."???

bartlett5 said...

YAY!!! Instant access to info about "Little Mo" - love it!

Danna said...

I have never seen such a fun nursery! You will have to help me with mine someday! Love you!