Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tough Times

Today I was seeking some comfort in all that we have been through in trying to get pregnant. I spent lots of time on, and just praying. I was able to read many things that helped me to work through some of my feelings. I really liked this quote:
"Though our knowledge of the plan of salvation does not explain why miscarriages and stillbirths take place, nor what the eternal result will be, we can know with confidence that God, who is the father of all spirits, is merciful and just. We can know also that there is hope. Worthy parents can trust in him and know that they and all his spirit children will—one way or another—receive a just reward for their efforts and sacrifice, perhaps in ways that we do not presently comprehend."


Danna said...

Hang in there my beautiful Jen. I really wish I was there to help comfort you. I love you and am praying for you. You are such an amazing example to me of a mother who gives her all and who is strong. A mother who never takes her responsibilities for granite and our Heavenly Father sees that. I know you will be blessed in your efforts and that things will get better. Chin up. You can do this.

Danna said...

p.s. I would love to talk to you. Please let me know when you are feeling up to it. Love you

Katie said...

Jen! :( What is going on? I'm sorry to hear you are going through tough times. I love you. You're an AMAZING woman.